Rubber's souvenirs
1998, Inkjet on photo paper
The stages of chewing, the stages of sensitivity and the dynamics of the object: it would be possible presenting the series "Rubber's souvenirs" as a translated form of sculpture.
The object of sculpture is a chewing gum. The gum has been scanned leaning it directly on the glass pane of the scanner. In this way it has been possible to benefit from a pretty special visual angle upon reality. The scanner becomes indeed a special “camera”, so unable to take subjects that are not directly leaned on its “lens”. But for this reason itself it is capable to overturn a wide series of conceptual and physical orders of scale, so putting the observer in front of the dynamic flux of the stages of sensitivity and sense.
The object chewing gum is therefore perceived in different way. It looses its identifiability and its expected and reassuring connotate, disclosing itself for what it is: the result of chewing. Or better: the image of a world of sensitivity in continuous mutation that keeps on itself the visceral signs of every possible “chewing”.